The first art centre in Khmelnytskyi to be opened

On the 12th of March there will be an openning of MASLO art centre in Khmelnytskyi at the address: Starokonstiantynivske Shosse Street, 20/3. The first project of the gallery “How do you see this colour?” will exhibit the art of an artist-abstractionist from Kyiv – Olena Kuznetsova and a sculptor from Lviv – Taras Popovych. The presentation of the project will take place on the openning day.
Such an art centre openning in Khmelnytskyi was ideated few years ago, because “our people are interested in the events, but there is no worth place in the town to run some book presentations or to engrain the educational programme”, says one of the openning promoters Ihor Proshchuka. A team of experts in the cultural branch from Khmelnytskyi and other cities was called to project MASLO.
400 square metres is an area the new gallery will be roomed in. There will be a big exhibition space, a terrace, a reading room with books mainly about the art (cinema, literature, painting etc.), and a workshop.
Primary focus area of the art centre will be the implementation of the exhibition and educational activities. MASLO the gallery concept will be based on the support and popularization of the contemporary art in Ukraine, in the way of the organization the exhibition programmes for young Ukrainian artists and granting them the possibilities to implement their own ideas and experiments.
Educational programme will include the workshops, artist talks, concerts and courses for children and adults on the art, literature, cinema, animation and music.