Life and deathhistory of Roman-Damian Sangushko

On the 1st of November a well-known public and political figure, an industrialist and philanthropist and a person who made a significant contribution for a city development – Roman Sangushko was killed in Slavuta. The family of Sangushko leaved a notable mark in the history of our land. The princes Sangushko occupied important political, military and administrative posts in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. By means of dynastic marriages they became related to princely families such as Zaslavski, Liubomyrski, Ostrozki, etc. The fourth and the last prince Sangushko lived in Slavuta and made a lot for its development.
The family of Sangushko possessed a county town Zaslav, few small towns such as Slavuta, Bilogorodka, Kornytsia and 97 villages.
The economic reforms coincided with the reform of 1861, when there was the Emancipation Reform in the Russian Empire. According to the redemption act of 1861, 239 homesteads bought back their hidelands.
The land reform accelerated the development of industry in the city. A paper mill, a mechanical plant and a cotton-wool factory were restored. Furthermore, a brick and a foundry plants, four water mills and a saw-mill were on-stream. Sangushko also launched a soap factory and a candle factory, a brewery and one more saw-mill by the end of XIX century. He established a well-known koumiss-cure center and built a hospital.
The industrial development of the city raised the prosperity of its people significantly. At the same time prince Roman Sangushko did the charity and cultural and educational work. Not without his contribution in 1902 a two-year school and in 1914 Polishparishional school were opened in Slavuta.
Sangushko, as an educational activist, had a library and an archive of rare documents in his princely estate.
As a cultural one, he had a big art gallery with authentic works of Polish artists.
On the 1st of November, 2017, citizens of Slavuta honored the memory of the psince by laying flowers in front of his monument. At the suggestion of PavloBondar, the head of the cultural and educational society named after Roman Sangusgko, a minute of silence was announced.
A known ethnographer Stanislav Kovalchuk narrated all the facts about the death of Roman Sangusho.
One theory is that prince Sangushko took 25 dragoons into his service to patrol his forests and for his own safety.
On the 1st of November, 1917, there was a dispute between soldiers, who harvested firewood and the dragoons. As a result, the soldiers mutinied against the dragoons and specifically against Sangushko and killed him.
After the death of the prince the palace was robbed and fired.
On the 4th of November the prince was solemnly buried in the vault of St. Dorota church. Later on Roman Vladyslavovych and six members of the princely family were reburied, but the place is still unknown.
For generations native citizens will convey the memory of prince Sangushko good deeds. His factories and plants still are on-stream in Slavuta today, and his forests still delight the eye.
According to the decision of October 29th, 2002, of the city council, former Gannopilska Street was renamed to KniazivSangushkiv Street.