Architectural monuments, outdoor rest, medicinal water treatment, extreme tourism



(Українська) В селі Грушка Староушицької тергромади на Кам’янеччині відтворили весільні традиції ХХ століття в межах Днів спадщини Дністра.


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Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in […]


(Українська) Комплекс споруд замку в селі Чорнокозинцях Кам’янець-Подільського району внесли до Державного реєстру нерухомих пам’яток України. Для пам’ятки у громаді шукають власника, аби розвивати місцевий туризм.


Last year, my friends and I decided to dedicate every weekend to some trips around our native region. We visited the lakes, the Dnister River and Kamianets-Podilskyi. Most of all we were amazed by the villages in the district of Dunaivtsi. I’ve never thought we have such a Roman Catholic Church as in Pidlisnyi Mukariv! It is fantastic. There is an interesting waterfall just in some seven kilometers, in Maliivtsi. I encourage everyone to visit it.

People who have never been or have not been for a long time to Kamianets-Podilskyi lost too much! I like the new illumination of the Fortress. Also, I like Aeronautics Festival. So, follow the news on this website. I do so, in order not to miss interesting festivals and events

My discovery is Kytaigorod. There is no wonder why the Earl Pototskyi had his estate there! The nature is fantastically beautiful and there are places to walk through.